Brain Cloud

By Johnny

May 24, 2006

Category: random, school


You remember that part of Joe Versus the Volcano, right? Well, I don’t think I’m going to die, but I do think I have a brain cloud.

So, folks. Summer is here. I’m not quite two weeks removed from graduation, and I’m already a little restless. I did decide that I’m going to drop calculus though…I thought about it long and hard, and while it might be beneficial, I don’t see it as a requirement in any of the PhD programs I’m going to apply to. What’s more important? Taking a math class I should have taken years ago or getting a much better, competitive score on my GRE? The GRE, obviously. So, since I’ve already applied to be a non-degree seeking student, I’m going to use that opportunity to take a fun class: Rock Music since 1970. I deserve it.

But to go with the advice of a certain someone, I am going to take a contemporary political theory class in the fall. It will be challenging no doubt, but by then I should have taken the GRE and will be preparing my applications.

I have narrowed my choices down to nine schools, and hope to narrow that to seven or five, depending on how much money I want to spend on application fees, and in all reality, if I have a realistic shot. I won’t tell you the names of the schools at this very moment (again, superstitious, Catholic grandmonther’s influence), but I will tell you that…

One school is in Delaware (this should be a no-brainer)

One school is in Georgia

Two schools are in North Carolina

Two schools are in Virginia

One school is in Indiana

One school is in Kansas

and One school is in Ohio

The funny thing is, even though I’m not going to relay the schools’ names now, you’ll most likely be able to deduce them because a lot of them are named after the state their found in. How’s that for concealment? Ha!

I’m really sorry people. It’s going to be my livelihood – it’s all I can think about. But now I must retire, so I can wake early and think of something worth reading before I lose my entire audience.

5 Responses to “Brain Cloud”

  1. Hey, I wish u luck with the decision. chris has one more year at NAU then he is going to Med school, proababley U of A ( now that we have researched it). It is a tough decision. But you will do great at any of them!

  2. I have noticed that none of the choices were in Utah is there something wrong with this place?? I thought Orem was really cool when I moved here from St. Johns. You know there are stop lights here

  3. Thanks for the encouragement, Amy. I wish you and Chris the best of luck too…adding four more years of schooling (plus internships and residencies for Chris) is always an interesting subject to assess…I know you guys will be well and will be better off for it!

  4. Katrina – no none of the choices were in Utah. And since I am legally forbidden by my in-laws from bashing Utah, I will refrain from doing so now.

    Plus, the type of program I want to get into doesn’t exist at any of the schools worth attending in UT.

    Yeah, stop lights. They’re useful. St. Johns won’t ever put stop lights in, even though they could use at least one. But a lot of what St. Johns could use or needs, they never pursue…and so goes the tale of a sad, little town. But that’s another story altogether.

  5. BUT, St. Johns DID recently replace many of the yield signs with stop signs! can you believe that? it’s outrageous–people having to stop at intersections. geez. what is the world coming to? 😀 oh, and my mom emailed me that thing in the independent about you. very nice. we’re all very proud of you. 🙂

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