3,000 hits and some of John’s favorite pics

Geez, why didn’t I put a site meter up when I started blogging three years ago? I don’t know why I even put one up last summer – because someone from Duncan, Oklahoma still looks at my blog multiple times a day, and doesn’t tell me who he/she is.

But speaking of Oklahoma, a friend of mine from high school, Adrienne Cash (nee Calhoun), tracked me down! How awesome is that? I haven’t seen her for years! Here’s a big shout out to you dear. You sound like you’re happy and doing well – so good to hear. And, I think it may have been Adrienne who asked me to put some pictures up, so with that, today is a “photoblog” of some of my favorite pics over the past few years. Enjoy…

The Quick and The Dirty. This is “Oozeball,” a grand A-Week tradition at ASU. I was the vice president of the Programming and Activities Board in ASU’s student government, and we formed the best team ever. We didn’t win, so I guess that’s not actually true, but you can’t deny the fact that mud volleyball is beyond fun.

Believe it or not, I was actually Homecoming Royalty at ASU. It’s not really that big of a deal (what? like I’m going to put it on my resume?) But, I must say that it was a LOT of fun.

And since I seem to mention ASU so much, I might as well show a graduation picture. Pictured with me is my dad. Like my serape? I’m about to do this again in May, but this time I’ll be wearing a peacock blue tassle and hood!

Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano — the best Arizona has ever had!

This is my wife’s family and I at Disneyland last Thanksgiving. It was a blast – but in case your wondering about the sad faces, I think this is when we learned that it cost $5 to decorate a dumb Christmas cookie. I think my mother-in-law’s face is the best.

Since my wife is from Nevada, I guess I have to pander to their politicians too. Just kidding. But here I am with Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) at a function in PHX. Since there are two of us, I guess it does prove that Mormon Democrats really do exist.

But honestly, the political fire in the belly I once had is dwindling.

Here’s a picture of me with some friends camping in Jal, Albania. Can you guess who is Albanian and who isn’t?

Here’s a mission picture – one of my favorite memories too. This is in Florence, Italy on the cupola at the top of the duomo there.

And I conclude this brief photo montage with another mission picture, this time at Cinque Terre. This was at the beginning of our hike, so clearly I’m all nice and happy. After we put the cameras away, the biggest torrential rain I’ve ever experienced hit us on our trek. You don’t want to see the pictures of us afterward.

Hopefully I can find some more pictures to post later – especially non-incriminating ones…although, they are a lot of fun.

Until then…

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